Experts in climate law presented recent cases of climate litigation at an event called “Which Climate Rights Does Our Law Offer? Approaches to Improve Climate Policies and Rights in Central Eastern Europe through Strategic Litigation”. The event took place online on 13 June this year, and 140 individuals from four countries participated.
The event is part of the DACE (Discussions and Actions on Climate and Environment) project that supports the climate goals of the European Green Deal and the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.
Thomas Alge, Executive Director at ÖKOBÜRO, opened the session with a personal look back on his time in the environmental movement and achievements in the field of climate law that he witnessed personally.
Veronika Marhold, Environmental Lawyer at ÖKOBÜRO, provided an introduction on the topic of climate rights by first presenting the results of a survey conducted by ÖKOBÜRO on the topic of awareness of climate rights. Then Marhold presented the concept of climate rights based on the paper she and Plamen Peev, Legal specialist and policy expert at BlueLink Foundation, worked on for the DACE project and also presented case studies for select “rights”.
Michaela Krömer, Laura Otýpková and Kertu Birgit Anton, all involved in climate lawsuits before national courts, presented respective cases from Austria, the Czech Republic and Estonia. Afterwards, they engaged in a fruitful discussion with the audience.
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