The CERV Programme – ‘Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values’ – is funded by the European Commission’s DG Justice and Consumers and has as its overall objective to protect and promote the rights and values enshrined in the EU Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and international human rights conventions, in order to support and contribute to the further development of open, democratic, fair and inclusive societies based on the rule of law.
The CERV programme invests over 1.5 billion euros available for entities that make Europe stronger by improving the quality of life. Projects funded by the CERV programme are developed on four thematic strands:
- Union Values to safeguard and promote the values of the European Union.
- Equality, rights and gender equality that promote rights, non-discrimination and equality.
- Citizens’ engagement and participation to promote citizens’ involvement and participation.
- Daphne to combat violence, including gender-based violence.