At its 53rd session in May 2022, the Espoo Implementation Committee considered a complaint by J&E member ÖKOBÜRO and GLOBAL 2000 (Friends of the Earth Austria) regarding the lifetime extension of the Czech nuclear power plant Dukovany. The complainants had criticized the lack of a transboundary environmental impact assessment when prolonging the licences for several reactors for an unlimited time. At its meeting, the Committee concluded that this prolongation constituted a major change to an activity listed in appendix I to the Convention on transboundary impact assessment (Espoo Convention) that was likely to cause a significant adverse transboundary impact. It thus began a Committee initiative on the matter as the case gave reason to assume non-compliance by the Czech Republic with its obligation under the Convention. Within this initiative, it will also examine the application of the Espoo Convention regarding the planned extension of two reactors of the Temelín NPP in Czechia. For further information see the Report of the Implementation Committee.